Vol. 75 No. 3/4 (2022): Francuska Europa? / Polityka energetyczna
Polityka energetyczna a energia przyszłości
Science, technology and innovation policy in the field of energy sources – Poland against the background of global trends
National Centre for Research and Development in Warsaw
National Centre for Research and Development in Warsaw; Warsaw University
Research investigating alternative energy sources, especially renewables (RES) is growing faster than other topics in the field of energy. This area is developed mainly in the United States, the European Union and East Asia. These countries have the ability to implement new technologies on a large scale, mostly by corporations that carry out r&d and have suitable patents in their portfolio.
The eu supports the development of alternative energy sources technologies with its science, technology and innovation policies and provides a vast range of instruments for their implementation. Poland has a number of programmes funded by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). The projects carried out are significantly smaller than their counterparts in the Horizon 2020 Programme. Poland should increase its involvement in the eu projects in the future. This is crucial in light of the repowereu initiative to gain energy independence from the Russian Federation.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35757/SM.2021.74.3.08
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