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Vol. 48 No. 4 (2020)

The Road to Europe: Polish and Ukrainian Experiences

Ethnic Policy of the Ukrainian State in the Context of its Pro-European Direction

Submitted: February 14, 2021
Published: 2021-01-25


After Ukraine gained independence, the ethnic policy of this state has contributed to the transformation of the concept of the Ukrainian nation from ethnic into civic one. For this purpose, a package of legal acts modelled on international law has been adopted. The management of ethnic policy in Ukraine has saved the public from high levels of xenophobia and ethnic conflict. At the same time, the process of national integration is slowing down because some ethnic minorities prefer their own ethnic identity to the national civic one.


  1. Bikov O.N., Konstitucìjno-pravovij status nacìonalʹnih menšin v Ukraïnì, Kiïv 2001, ss. 53-54, 67, 135-136.
  2. Popesku I.V., Âzykovaâ politika i proekty zakona o âzykah: ih sootvetstvie vnutrennemu zakonodatelstvu i meždunarodnym obâzatel′stvam Ukrainy v oblasti zaŝity prav nacional′nyh men′šinstv, w: Strategìâ nacìonal′noï konsolìdacìï v Ukraïnì: Pošuk modelì mìžnacìonal′noï ìntegracìï, red. O.G. Svistunov, Užgorod 2000, s. 67–68.


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