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Vol. 49 No. 1 (2021)

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Shaping the Socio-political Zionist Structures in Galicia

Submitted: April 9, 2021
Published: March 22, 2021


The interest in the Zionist movement in Eastern Galicia took place relatively early, in the second half of the 19th century, and was largely related to the political and socio-economic changes and transformations in the spiritual sphere of the Jewish community. The precursors of the Zionist movement were primarily secondary school students from Lviv and Tarnopol and students from Galicia, gathered around the academic community in Vienna, which was the main centre for the development of the Zionist idea until the late 19th century. The starting point for taking actions aimed at creating an organised Zionist movement in Eastern Galicia was the defeat of the emancipation assumptions, which encouraged the Zionists to create numerous Zionist organisations. It was only the adoption of the assumptions of the Basel Programme and the guidelines of the First Zionist Congress in Basel (29–31 August 1897) that initiated a number of organisational changes aimed at the standardisation and transformation of associations into Zionist organisations with a uniform statute, and part of the World Zionist Organisation.


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