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Vol. 49 No. 4 (2021)

The pandemic and the modern world

Institutions of the Polish state against threats caused by the COVID-19 epidemic

  • Bartosz Włodarczyk
Submitted: August 9, 2021
Published: 2022-03-16


Public administration plays a superior role in the context of creating internal security of the state. The characteristics of the existing threats contribute to the constant need to redefine concepts and develop new mechanisms. The issues related to the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic and the intensification of the first wave of disease increase the need to understand the functions of state institutions in the structure of Poland's internal security. Additionally, the research questionnaire presented in the work takes up the challenge of illustrating the social mood that developed during the first wave of the disease. This article is an attempt to analyze the agency of state instruments in the area of the occurrence of numerous threats associated with the COVID-19 epidemic.


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