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Podróż płci w nieznane. Rozważania na marginesie teorii modernizacji Rolfa Petera Sieferlego

Przesłane: 23 lutego 2020
Opublikowane: 29 grudnia 2017


The basis for considering the problem of the ‘gender revolution’ is the historiosophical concept developed by Rolf Peter Sieferle, who assumes that for about 200 years, Europe has been evolving from agrarian civilisation towards a new type of energy based on fossil fuels. A characteristic feature of this transformation process is the belief that man is the ‘master of forms’ – all elements of the earlier order, which were perceived as natural for generations, have been questioned. The revolution overthrew the existing hierarchical feudal order, created factories, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in order to create a mass society, a welfare state and, finally, a progressive agenda. The revolutionary process also affected social roles, leading to women’s emancipation movements. At the current stage of the revolution, the natural division into two sexes has been questioned. The basic question is whether a person can really deny the idea of the natural order in such a fundamental way? The ecological crisis, caused by the first phase of the revolution, seems to confirm the doubts of those who believe that human beings are subject to external, natural limitations.


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