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Tom 51 Nr 4 (2007): Okiem antropologa

Artykuły i rozprawy

„Macho” versus „Maricón”? O meksykańskich reprezentacjach męskości

Przesłane: 2 sierpnia 2023
Opublikowane: 19 grudnia 2007


In Mexican culture there exist various conceptions of cultural gender. The concept of hegemonism is considered to be super masculinity — known as machismo and defined as the image of a “real man” and thereby defining other versions of masculinity as inadequate or inferior. The latter which contradict the normal pattern — which is best illustrated through homosexuality — with time become alternative ideologies and expand the repertoires of the gender discussions which have functioned in Mexican culture since the beginning of this century. The article contains attempts to investigate the process and the expansion of the images of masculinity functioning within the Mexican national culture from the moment that the nation was created to the present time — on the basis of cultural literature (including popular culture) and discoveries on the part of historians and anthropologists.


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