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The Deconstruction and the Dissemination of Subjectivity. Modes of Subjectivity in Everyday Culture

Submitted: May 13, 2021
Published: 2011-01-18


This analysis is focused on the transition from pastoral care to the dispositif de sécurité. The dispositif de sécurité abandons discipline, which proves too expensive, to replace it with a “scientific” apparatus. While discipline produced a neurotic subject, a question arises what kind of subjectivity is generated by the dispositif de sécurité. According to Georgio Agamben, apparatus multiplies the modes of subjectivity. Still, as the individual grows in meaning, the social bonds and symbolic functions decline. Thus, as a result of the operation of the new modes of subjectivity, individuals fall into the protocosmic existence (Eric Santner) or the vie foetale (Jean-Claude Kaufmann). Paradoxically, more and more easily attainable subjectivity causes the “effacement of man”.


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