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Vol. 67 No. 2 (2023)

Articles and essays

Sharing on Social Media: Between Algorithm Logic and the Need for Socialisation

Submitted: December 5, 2022
Published: 2023-06-21


Among the many socio-cultural changes that digitisation processes are leading to, the new forms of sharing mediated through or organised around social media deserve attention. From a practice governed by a complex system of mutual obligations and expectations (group morality), sharing is drifting towards an algorithmically stimulated activity, the essence of which is not survival but addiction, selling, or the desire to show off. Despite the transformations stimulated by technology, sharing remains one of the most important (anchoring) socialising practices ensuring the survival of post-modern societies. Unlike in the pre-internet era, however, the process of integrating individuals into broader social wholes through sharing is organised around new patterns, new shared meanings, and alternative ways of understanding and explaining the world. In a dynamically changing setup of social connections, social media have become an important source of meaning, a permanent point of reference that allows many users to gain at least temporary control over a fluid reality. The stability resulting from individuals being in more or less permanent systems of interdependence is increasingly provided by the practice of sharing, without which social media could not exist.


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