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Tom 53 Nr 3 (2009): Przestrzenie pamięci

Z warsztatów badawczych

Historia 2.0 — nowe media i przeszłość. Na obrzeżach socjologii pamięci

Przesłane: 19 lipca 2021
Opublikowane: 21.09.2009


The article deals with the changing customs connected with the phenomenon of death that has been understood and experienced in a different way in traditional, modern and post-modern society. Today these changes appear in a new context — the Internet. Like many issues important to every individual, the subject of death has got many virtual representations. The authors have confined their analysis to three aspects of the presence of this issue on the Internet, and three types of Internet sites. They focus on: a) the blog of a man dying from cancer, that is on the experience of dying in the virtual presence of others; b) the assistance and emotional support given by Internet groups to parents in the critical situation of their child’s death; and c) the virtual cemetery as a way of commemorating our nearest and dearest. The examples under discussion show that the need for finding consolation after the death of a close person has not changed over the ages and the Internet only provides other forms of its satisfaction.


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