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Vol. 67 No. 3 (2023): Ukraine and Poland 2022 — in the Face of Russia’s Invasion

Articles and essays

Differences and Similarities Identified Between the Polish Host Society and Migrants from Ukraine and Turkey: The Context of the Labour Market and Education

Submitted: January 30, 2023
Published: 2023-09-26


The purpose of the study was to analyse Pole’s acculturation orientations towards two migrant groups — people acquiring higher education and work experience, and at the same time coming from two culturally different countries in relation to Poland: 1) from the relatively culturally close Ukraine, and 2) from Turkey, relatively culturally distant. The focus was on their cultural similarities and differences perceived by representatives of the host society in areas related to the labour market and education. Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted and then subjected to qualitative analysis. People from Ukraine were generally described as culturally very similar to Poles, although detailed analysis of specific areas related to work and education also revealed a number of perceived cultural differences. As for the migrants from Turkey, in their general assessment the respondents emphasised the cultural differences, although they pointed to similarities when they could easily indicate a specific common group of affiliation (e.g. students). In the case of little cultural distance, there is therefore the danger of generalisation, leading to existing cultural differences being overlooked or ignored.


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