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Tom 74 Nr 2 (2021): Białoruś – niedokończona rewolucja


Kształtowanie polityki integracyjnej wobec imigrantów z Białorusi oraz potencjał ich zaangażowania społeczno-politycznego na przykładzie Wrocławia

Przesłane: 22 grudnia 2021
Opublikowane: 8 grudnia 2021


Recent political events in Belarus have caused a large wave of migration from this country. Immigrants come to Poland seeking help and escaping from the cruel repression of the autocratic regime of Alyaxandr Lukashenka. This article aims to answer what role non-governmental organisations play in the policy of integrating immigrants from Belarus in Poland. Do immigrants from Belarus contribute to the activities of non-governmental organisations in Poland? This article highlights the problem of an active response of Polish society to the Belarusian socio-political crisis. It also analyses the activity of non-governmental organisations aimed at supporting immigrants from Belarus. It is based on source research, in-depth interviews with non-governmental organisations’ activists and surveys of immigrants from Belarus. The author uses the integration policy approach to examine the activities of non-governmental organisations aimed at promoting the interests of the immigration community from Belarus and analyses its expectations. The main goals of this article are to demonstrate the phenomenon of social movement among foreigners from Belarus and to show a number of integration problems of Belarusian immigrants in Poland.


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