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Tom 72 Nr 2 (2019): Kryzys na świecie - świat w kryzysie

Kryzys na świecie - świat w kryzysie

Kryzys światowego ładu liberalnego: Jego natura i znaczenie dla Polski

Przesłane: 22 stycznia 2020
Opublikowane: 27 września 2019


The genesis and structure of the liberal world order are indispensable to understand its current crisis. Therefore, the article begins with the analysis of the historical background and evolution of liberal internationalism. Furthermore, the author discusses the three dimensions of the liberal international order: the security order, the economic order and the order of values. What is ascertained, the crisis of liberalism has its external causes, yet the internal ones are also fundamental. While Poland has not experienced the visible effects of the crisis yet, it is currently exposed to the external risks and domestic divisions concerning axiological and normative issues.


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