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Vol. 51 No. 2 (2023)


Social Activity at the Border in a Crisis Situation: Perception of the Situation and Motivations of Local Social Actors Providing Humanitarian Aid

Submitted: December 7, 2023
Published: 2023-07-20


In 2022, Poland experienced a migration crisis on two borders – Belarusian and Ukrainian. In both cases, this triggered a strong public reaction. This article presents the results of field research conducted in selected communities located on the Polish–Belarusian and Polish–Ukrainian borders. The first part presents the context, the methodology of the research and the definition of the concept of crisis, which is crucial for further analysis. The second part describes how the crisis is perceived by local social actors providing humanitarian aid to migrants in the surveyed communities. The last part focuses on the characteristics of those social actors and particularly on their motivations.


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