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Vol. 32 (2023)


Paradigm Shift towards an Ecologically Sustainable Future: Review of the book by Jason Hickel „Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World”

Submitted: December 22, 2023
Published: March 21, 2024


In his book Less is Better..., Jason Hickel raises pressing issues related to the contemporary economic paradigm, directing our attention to the need to revise our beliefs about economic growth. The author argues that the current economic model, based on relentless growth, not only becomes a source of social inequality, but also leads to disastrous environmental consequences. In this review, I analyse Hickel's main theses, focusing on his arguments about the need to change our approach to economics in the name of a sustainable future. I review the author's key concepts, seeking to show both the strengths and potential limitations presented in the book. Through a critical examination of Less is Better... I seek to understand how Hickel's work can be an important voice in the discussion of economic and social paradigm shifts.


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