“She still speaks Polish, but she already laughs in Hebrew”: Polish-language Press and Language Integration of Polish Jews in Israel


The article describes the process of integration of Polish Jews in Israel in the first decade of the country’s existence. The author presents an overview of the Polish language press of that period, which, supported by influential political parties, served as a tool for assimilating the new waves of immigrants. Interestingly it was Polish, a language known to a large section of the population, that served as a vehicle of integration with Hebrew culture. Admittedly however, the process was to some degree slowed down by the immigrants’ inability to break free from the cultural heritage of the diaspora.


the beginnings of the state of Israel; Polish immigrants; propaganda

Published : 2010-12-22

Kossewska, E. (2010). “She still speaks Polish, but she already laughs in Hebrew”: Polish-language Press and Language Integration of Polish Jews in Israel. Culture & Society, 54(4), 59-75. https://doi.org/10.35757/KiS.2010.54.4.4

Elżbieta Kossewska  ekossewska@id.uw.edu.pl
University of Warsaw  Poland