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Tom 61 Nr 3 (2017): AUTOETNOGRAFIA

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Rozum czy emocje? O odmianach autoetnografii oraz epistemologicznych przepaściach i pomostach między nimi

Przesłane: 28 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 10 lipca 2017


In this article, the author discusses the limits of analytical and evocative autoethnography as described by the creators of these concepts and by scholars who embark autoethnographic projects. The author attempts to answer the question of whether it is possible to move freely between the fields of analytic autoethnography and evocative autoethnography. Can rechercher freely combine analytical and evocative motifs within the framework of the autoethnographies he create? What are the fundamental differences between these approaches? What indicates the analyticality or the suggestiveness of the autoethnographic text? For whom and what are such divisions necessary? These considerations correspond to the practical problems appearing in the application of the autoethnographic approach in contemporary social research.


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