Polish media has played an active role in the policy towards Ukraine, particularly from the outbreak of the Revolution of Dignity and war with Russia, but this subject has not received in-depth academic treatment. The author describes the discourse of Polish mass media on the subject of Ukraine, using selected television stations and newspapers as examples. The most important television stations (TVP, TVN, Polsat) do not present a uniform image of Ukraine, and their discourse is in a large part reactive, in connection with current events. The situation is slightly different in the case of the print media. Three different types of discourse can be distinguished. The weekly Do Rzeczy continues the political tradition of Józef Piłsudski. It displays considerable interest in the former eastern borderlands and is distrustful towards Russia. The weekly Przegląd refers indirectly to the traditions of national democracy and the political realists of the People’s Republic of Poland period, being critical of Ukraine and pointing out the importance of relations with Russia. Gazeta Wyborcza has in large measure inherited the ideas of Jerzy Giedroyc. It emphasizes the need for reconciliation with Ukraine and for supporting it in its democratic and pro-European strivings.
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