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Tom 50 Nr 1-2 (2006): Więzi i uczucia

Artykuły i rozprawy

Socjologiczne odkrywanie emocji

Przesłane: 4 stycznia 2024
Opublikowane: 30 marca 2006


This article presents achievements resulting from the unexpectedly dynamic development of the sociology of emotions since the 1970s. It recalls traditions of studying emotions from the classics of sociology and discusses why those traditions were forgotten for several decades. Sources of the recent rise of sociological interest in emotions are sought on the one hand in processes of social change at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, and on the other in mechanisms of change in sociology as an academic discipline, including interdisciplinary cooperation. Reflections on the nature of emotions and the relationship between emotions and rationality suggest that adopted definitions depend on researchers’ orientations and theoretical assumptions. Sociological theories of emotion, based on different orientations of contemporary social thought are characterized by diversity and eclecticism. Evolutionary theories of emotions refer to contemporary sociobiology and evolutionary psychology. Cultural approaches investigate historical and cultural differences in interpreting emotions. Structural theories focus on emotions tied to the relationship between power and social status. The sociological discovery of emotions not only deepens our understanding of emotions; it also enriches our knowledge about social structures and transformations.


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