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Vol. 63 No. 1 (2019): SPOŁECZNE W ARCHIWACH

Facts, problems, polemics

On the Value of Data and the Potential of Artificial Intelligence: Reports From the 8th Big Data and AI Congress, April 18–19, 2018

Submitted: December 17, 2019
Published: March 29, 2019


The author claims that due to the effectiveness and multiplicity of potential uses for databases (for instance, for “big data,” artificial intelligence) the business world is taking an almost incredible interest in their implementation. One proof is the momentum of the eighth edition of the Big Data & AI Congress. This text reports on that Warsaw conference. The author first presents the emotions that were obvious during the course of the event—the enthusiasm and expectations of business in regard to this kind of technology—and then points out and characterizes, with the eye of a sociologist, the areas of the subject left unaddressed. These are the manifold social consequences of the use and development of big data or so-called artificial intelligence, that is, the growth of income inequality at the same time as the outwardly positive growth in general incomes, the preservation of mechanisms of exclusion and discrimination, and the treatment of large groups of users as objects through applications based on data analysis.


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