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Tom 72 Nr 2 (2019): Kryzys na świecie - świat w kryzysie


Unia bankowa i Europejski Fundusz Walutowy alternatywą dla unii fiskalnej w strefie euro?

Przesłane: 26 stycznia 2020
Opublikowane: 27.09.2019


The public debt crisis in the Eurozone, which began in 2010, showed serious weaknesses of the structure on which it was based. It was only thanks to extraordinary intervention activities that the situation was stabilised and the risk of the disintegration of this zone was eliminated. Currently, an urgent task for the institutions and member states of the European Union is to develop and implement solutions that would avoid such risks in the future. The aim of the article is to analyse and evaluate the possibilities of deepening integration in the euro area towards fiscal federalism and to examine whether the banking union and the future European Monetary Fund could be alternative solutions to the fiscal union. The analysis leads to a negative answer to this question due to the significant differences between the two projects in terms of their objectives, scopes and potential consequences from the perspective of the participating countries’ sovereignty. This analysis also shows that the banking union is an expression of a pragmatic approach to potential threats to the Eurozone’s stability in a situation where the establishment of a fiscal union is unlikely in the foreseeable future.


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