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Polskie fanki w męskim świecie kibiców — problemy badawcze, stan wiedzy i najważniejsze kategorie analizy

Przesłane: 28 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 24 kwietnia 2017


Since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been a growth in the number of woman at soccer stadiums. These women are supporters not only of the national teams but also of local clubs. Although the stadium socialization of women, in which their identity is shaped through their connection with a club and integration in the fan community, is not a new phenomenon, particularly in western European countries, it has not yet been thoroughly studied, including in terms of women’s separate social roles. The authors’ aim is to present the broader context for the appearance of women in stadiums, with selected aspects of women’s fandom as described by western scholars. The authors also discuss what is known at present on the subject in Poland. This is not an exhaustive and multidimensional analysis, but only a signaling of certain interesting analytical categories; thus the ideas contained in the article are primarily of an exploratory nature, though based on empirical data.


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