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Tom 61 Nr 3 (2017): AUTOETNOGRAFIA

Artykuły i rozprawy

Dziesięć wyznań albo krępujący chiazm: od etnografii neoliberalizmu do neoliberalnej etnografii

Przesłane: 28 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 10 lipca 2017


The subject of this essay is the constituting of subjectivity as reflected in neoliberal technologies of management manifesting themselves in the coaching relationship. This question is addressed on the basis of ethnographic research conducted among coaches and persons being coached in Poland. However, the form of the essay goes beyond the qualitative framework of traditional ethnographic research. In regard to autoethnographic experience, the initial goal of making an ethnography of neoliberalism was achieved though actions and strategies that in themselves could be described as neoliberal (that is, conducted in terms of the imperative of self-concern and thinking in categories of potential gains and losses).


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