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Przemijanie i pamięć w kulturze

Jana Szczepańskiego „rozprawa z czasem”

  • Elżbieta Tarkowska
Przesłane: 30 kwietnia 2021
Opublikowane: 21 grudnia 2016


The author considers the issue of time in Jan Szczepański’s works in comparison to the issue in contemporary sociology. She analyses the role of personal experiences as an important inspiration in research into the time issue. She presents the ‘fantasies’ that are typical of Jan Szczepański’s approach to the subject, and the idea of varieties of time, with the associated interdisciplinary view. She writes that Jan Szczepański understands time as a devastating force and ‘dealing with time’ in connection with transience as one of the essential human tasks.


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  • Szczepański Jan, 1999, Fantazje na temat czasu, Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, Lublin.
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