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Europejskie archiwa danych jakościowych

Przesłane: 11 maja 2021
Opublikowane: 11 sierpnia 2015


This article concerns the archiving of qualitative data in Europe. Its aim is to present selected models of archivization of this type of material in various European institutions, including the British ESCS (Economic and Social Data Service Qualidata) belonging to the UK Data Archive, the Austrian WISDOM (Wiener Institut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Methodik), the Irish IQDA (Irish Qualitative Data Archive), the German ALLF (Archiv für Lebenslaufforschung), or the OSA (Open Society Archives) operating in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. The examples mentioned give rise to reflections on the need, potential, and limitations of conducting a similar project in Poland. The author discusses the results of the ‘Interpretive Research into Life Styles: Digitalization, Archivization, and Methodological Revisitation’ pilot project and the Archive of Qualitative Data pilot project of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


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