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Podatność młodzieży na ubóstwo i wykluczenie społeczne

Przesłane: 15 maja 2021
Opublikowane: 20 sierpnia 2010


The author presents a multi-aspectual picture of the situation of young people in Poland in a comparative framework. This confirms the theory of the susceptibility of young people to the threats to the equilibrium of their development. These are both universal problems, universal for the period of entering adulthood, as well as specific ones connected with countries in transformation like Poland. This is observable in many spheres: somatic and psychological health, access to education of adequate quality and fitted to the job market, intellectual and social development and in relationships with the family and surrounding environment. In Poland the study showed that the main problem, to a greater extent than in countries of the EU were the result of limitations on access to healthcare institutions and education and lacks in the infrastructure of public life. The situation of young people entering the job market from school is dramatically bad. There are disturbing indications of their weak social participation, lack of involvement in general matters and escape into a world created by the electronic media. The ability to overcome these limitations is exhibited only by the young people from the wealthier households, which is decisive in the creation of social inequalities during their childhood and adolescence which later only become more permanent and deeper. A specific positive characteristic of young people in Poland (and their parents) is their relatively high educational aspirations, which correctly applied — in the structure of schools allowing them to achieve skills and qualifications suitable for their needs — can have positive effects on the job marketplace and socio-economic development. This however requires a reorientation of the system of middle and higher education to the production of quality, open to social change and awakening and supporting initiative and innovation. The European Commission has taken the initiative in this regard, proposing the Strategy for Youth — Investing and Empowering.


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