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Artykuły i rozprawy

Postrzeganie demokracji a kapitał społeczny. Studium porównawcze z terenów Podlasia i Brandenburgii

Przesłane: 15 maja 2021
Opublikowane: 20 sierpnia 2010


This essay presents results of comparative research which was carried out in one region in Eastern Poland — Podlasie — and one region in Eastern Germany — Brandenburg. The research compared the influence of social capital on the understanding of democracy among the citizens. The theoretical basis for this survey was the theory of post-democracy. One of the issues considered was the level of democratic development represented by Podlasie and Brandenburg. Are they in the pre-democratic, democratic or post-democratic phase? The essay analyses afterwards what chances both regions have for the full development of democracy and how one can use the resources of social capital to revise the understanding of democracy among the citizens of Podlasie and Brandenburg.


  • Crouch Colin, 2004, Post-Democracy, Polity Press, Cambridge.
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  • Fazlagić Jan, Kapitał społeczny w Polsce (
  • Gabriel Oskar W. i in., 2002, Sozialkapital und Demokratie. Zivilgesellschaftliche Ressourcen im Vergleich, WUV, Wien.
  • Gehmacher Ernst, 2004, Sozialkapital. Basisinformationen, Dokument des österreichischen Lebensministeriums (
  • Guéhenno Jean-Marie, 1996, Das Ende der Demokratie, Verlag Dtv, München.
  • Jörke Dirk, 2005, Auf dem Weg zur Postdemokratie, „Leviathan” t. 33, nr 4.
  • Rancière Jacques, 1997, Demokratie und Postdemokratie, w: Badiou Alain i in., Politik der Wahrheit, Turia und Kant Verlag, Wien.
  • Reißig Rolf, 1994 Ostdeutschland — Der „deutsche Sonderweg” der Transformation, „Welt-Trends”, nr 3.
  • Tönnies Ferdinand,1988, Wspólnota i stowarzyszenie, tłum. Małgorzata Łukasiewicz, PWN, Warszawa.
  • Wolin Sheldon, 2001, Tocqueville between Two Worlds: The Making of a Political and Theoretical Life, Princeton University Press, Princeton.


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