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Tom 52 Nr 3 (2008): Problemy płci

Artykuły i rozprawy

Od krytyki kultury do walki o prawa związkowe. Przemiana ruchu feministycznego w Polsce w latach 2006–2007

Przesłane: 10 października 2021
Opublikowane: 9 lipca 2008


The text deals with the transformation of the Polish feminist movement between 2006–2007, in which period the movement went beyond the critics of the culture and expanded its area of interest to include economic issues. This helped to broke the elitism of the feminist movement and the cooperation with trade unions had made it possible to reach a larger group of women. It also had allowed the feminist movement to improve the effectiveness of its actions and to become a stronger political actor. Moreover, the text illustrates a gradual formalization of the movement and at the same time indicates positive results that are produced by maintaining an informal character of its actions.


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