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Vol. 67 No. 3 (2023): Ukraine and Poland 2022 — in the Face of Russia’s Invasion

Articles and essays

Enthusiasm as a Motivator of Assistance Measures for Refugees from Ukraine. Analysis of the Connection Between Enthusiasm and Providing Aid in the Emotional Choice Model

Submitted: January 31, 2023
Published: September 26, 2023


The aim of the study was to investigate the importance of enthusiasm in undertaking aid activities for Ukrainian refugees in the first weeks after the Russian invasion in 2022. It examined how beliefs and attitudes regarding immigration, Ukrainians, aid-related behaviour in society and exposure to information about the situation in Ukraine and refugees were linked with enthusiasm and providing aid to refugees. The article proposes a new conceptualisation and operationalisation of the concept of enthusiasm. Jon Elster’s concept of emotional choice was used as a starting point for constructing the empirical model. The explanatory variables were financial aid and material aid. Socio-demographic variables, as well as beliefs, controlled the enthusiasm effect. The analyses used logistic regression on data from the self-designed CAWI study covering a nationwide sample of 1041 adult Poles. The conclusions confirm the usefulness of the theoretical model, as well as the conceptualisation and operationalisation of enthusiasm used. Diffeences were noted between the factors conducive to material and financial help. In addition, new research directions on the concept of enthusiasm and its role in explaining social phenomena were identified.


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