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Vol. 67 No. 3 (2023): Ukraine and Poland 2022 — in the Face of Russia’s Invasion

Articles and essays

If, When, and How: Researching and Documenting Life Trajectories of Female Ukrainian War Refugees in Poland

Submitted: January 31, 2023
Published: 2023-09-26


The paper describes the process of designing and implementing the methodological and ethical assumptions in the project “24.02.2022 5 am: Testimonies from the War”, which aims to collect accounts of women war refugees from Ukraine in Poland. The planning phase of the project, cooperation with various institutions, and the formation and management of the research team are presented, together with the rules for selecting the women participants and the research tool plus its application. There is a substantial section on the ethics of the research and its practical implications, followed by the organisational and methodological assumptions in the context of how they affect the collection of recordings. Finally, the ways in which the data are handled are described, from the perspective of digital hermeneutics — the process of research reflection on the dataset, on the participation of different people in the process, and on the shaping of an international base of refugee accounts.


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