Outline of the Concept of Order-generating Dimensions: A Case of Hypermodernity in Polish Society of Late Capitalism


Reality of the late capitalism is not so much postmodern or modern, but it is simultaneously premodern, modern and postmodern. However, it is not a simple manifestation of these orders, but rather a result of the dynamic relationship between their manifestations, generating tensions. The orders boil down to the relationship between the three dimensions of social life — the dimension of bonds/relationships, work/activity, and identity. The first part of the text presents an outline of the concepts, the second one — its application on the example of the phenomena of hypermodernity in late-capitalist Poland, analyzed both at the level of public discourse and individual biography.

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Opublikowane : 2018-12-28

Haratyk, K., & Biały, K. (2018). Outline of the Concept of Order-generating Dimensions: A Case of Hypermodernity in Polish Society of Late Capitalism. Kultura I Społeczeństwo, 62(4), 47-67. https://doi.org/10.35757/KiS.2018.62.4.3

Karol Haratyk  karolharatyk@gmail.com
Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw  Polska
Kamila Biały 
Institute of Sociology, University of Łódź  Polska

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