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Obrazy w działaniu. Strategie interwencyjne współczesnych badań wizualnych

Przesłane: 13 maja 2021
Opublikowane: 18 stycznia 2011


The topic of this article is the reconstruction of the scope of the contemporary use of visual investigative methods. It begins with a discussion of the social changes and changes of social theory which have led to a substantial redefinition of the form of video and visual techniques for intervention activities applied by the social sciences. Such activities are based on a greater degree of participation of those who will make use of them than was usual in the past, the technology of the creation and distribution of images is much more widespread, and also there has been an important change in the definition of technical images for the use of the social sciences — these all allow their contemporary utilisation, and are described by the author in the form of five models of strategy: advocacy, cultural representation, the animation of local communities, education in visual competence and control of values and safety. In the second part of the article they are presented using selected and representative examples.


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