Discourse on State Security in Russia with the Invasion of Ukraine in the Background 11-32 Damian Jarnicki PDF (Język Polski)
Russia–India – Erosion of Pillars of Strategic Partnership 33-53 Natalia Olszanecka PDF (Język Polski)
“Strategic Contradictions”. Polish-Russian Relations in 2005–2007 55-71 Adrian Chojan, Jakub Wódka PDF (Język Polski)
The Impact of Polarization on the Domestic Party Scene on the Coherence of Voting By Polish MEPs in the European Parliament 73-95 Michał Niebylski PDF (Język Polski)
Immigrant Population and Poland’s Ability to Build Blocking Coalitions in the Council of the European Union 99-138 Marcin Kleinowski PDF (Język Polski)
Codename “Stonka”: Behind the Scenes of the Operation Carried Out by the PRL and Soviet Security Apparatus against the Emigration Foreign Formations of the OUN (1959–1961) 139-171 Igor Hałagida PDF (Język Polski)
From the Delegation of the Armed Forces at Home to the “Freedom and Independence” Association. The Path of Colonel Jan Rzepecki 173-203 Sławomir Poleszak, Rafał Wnuk PDF (Język Polski)
Local Social Cohesion within the Polish City. A Pilot Study 205-226 Tomasz Piróg, Tomasz Masłyk PDF (Język Polski)
The Party-forming Function of the Presidential Election in Poland from the Perspective of the Theory of Cartelization 227-241 Tomasz Jagielski PDF (Język Polski)
Three Sea Initiative in the Programs of Political Parties and in Electional Programs of Presidential Candidates in the Period 2014–2023 243-267 Witold Kunicki-Goldfinger, Aleksandra Stanik, Michał Stolarczyk PDF (Język Polski)
Two Views on Modern Democracy: A Review Article of Michel Wieviorka’s Books “Democracy As a Martial Art” and Jan-Werner Müller’s “Democracy Rules” 269-275 Konrad Majkowski PDF (Język Polski)
Scott Galloway, The Big Four. Hidden DNA: Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, Rebis, Poznań, 2024, 360 p. 277-278 Wojciech Roszkowski PDF (Język Polski)
Wojciech Harpula, Does the Devil Live in the Kremlin?, Wielka Litera, Warsaw 2022, 301 p. 279-280 Wojciech Roszkowski PDF (Język Polski)