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Mowa nienawiści jako stygmatyzacja. Doświadczenie kontaktu z mową nienawiści wśród imigrantów w Polsce oraz studentów z zagranicy

Przesłane: 1 marca 2021
Opublikowane: 21 września 2020


Hate speech can have very serious consequences for the health of its victims and may also be associated with stigmatization and with forcing members of a group to hide their identity. Groups that often encounter hate speech in Poland are Ukrainians and foreign students at Polish universities. The results of two studies conducted among economic immigrants from Ukraine and foreign students at the University of Warsaw indicate a relationship between exposure to hate speech and the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder, more severe symptoms of depression, lower self-esteem, and negative affect. Among immigrants from Ukraine, more frequent contact with hate speech was also associated with avoiding the use of their native language in the presence of Poles and other Ukrainians. The research results clearly show the negative consequences of hate speech.


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