Kultura i Społeczeństwo is a quarterly published continuously by the Polish Academy of Sciences ever since 1957. The journal was established at the time of a revival of Polish Sociology in the post‑Stalin period. It has become a journal which incorporates both the achievements of the most prominent, internationally recognized scientists in the field, and first and foremost its Editors‐in‐Chief, namely Józef Chałasiński (1957‐1959 and 1967‐1979), Stefan Żółkiewski (1960‐1966), Antonina Kłoskowska (1983‐2001) and Elżbieta Tarkowska (2001‐2016) and current achievements.
Currently the journal is published jointly by the Committee on Sociology, PAS and the Institute of Political Studies, PAS. The present Editorial Board endeavors to persevere the existing thematic approach by accepting multidisciplinary contributions. The journal publishes theoretical and empirical research in the fields of sociology, anthropology, social thought, cultural studies.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. All articles in the journal are published in the open access formula, on the licence Creative Commons Attribution – NonCommercial – ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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CfP Anthropology’s new sensibilities
In anthropology, sensibility is one of the key features that allow practicing the discipline. Anthropologists constantly listen to the pulse of social life and vigilantly look out for its new forms and meanings. The sensibilities of anthropological theories are changing, their lens is transforming and it begins to capture those aspects of reality that were previously invisible or perceived as unimportant. Changes in sensibility take place in the methodology of anthropological research. New sensibilities of anthropology also result from its openness to broadly understood political transformations related to decolonization or social crises.
CfP The Biographical Method in the Social Sciences. Trends and controversies
The proposed thematic issue of “Culture and Society” called “Biographical Method in the Social Sciences. Trends and Controversies” is a response to the ongoing discussions in the community of researchers dealing with personal documents regarding the understanding of epistemological-ontological bases, theoretical approaches, creative transformations of data collection techniques and analytical tools, but also ethical issues.
Ogłoszenie Nagród naukowych w VIII edycji Konkursu im. Profesor Elżbiety Tarkowskiej
Nagrodę za wyróżniającą się autorską pracę naukową z zakresu nauk społecznych o problemach ubóstwa i wynikającego z niego wykluczenia otrzymała
Magdalena Chułek za książkę pt. Jak wytwarzany jest slums? Studium przypadku mieszkańców Kibery i Korogocho w Nairobi, opublikowaną w 2023 w Toruniu przez Fundację na rzecz Nauki Polskiej.
CfP Symbolic boundaries in social communication
In this issue of “Kultura i Społeczeństwo” we would like to address the issue of symbolic boundaries in social communication. We are interested in both theoretical articles and empirical studies of public and private discourse. We are also waiting for texts that reflect on the subject of communication research itself in its various forms. The editors of the issue are Jerzy Stachowiak (University of Lodz) and Adam Konopka (Collegium Civitas).
CfP Studia nad dzieciństwem - przedłużamy nabór tekstów
Zapraszamy do składania tekstów za pośrednictwem naszej strony! Na artykuły czekamy do 8 lipca 2024.
Sociology of vulnerable groups. Around the concept of "vulnerability"
We invite researchers to submit articles for a special issue of our journal devoted to the concept of vulnerability. This concept is becoming more and more popular in social research, but it is ambiguous, used inconsistently and interpreted in various ways. It becomes all the more important to determine the meaning of this term in sociological sciences and related disciplines.